Mango Madness: Myth-Busting Your Favourite Tropical Treat!!

The mango, with its vibrant golden flesh and sweet, juicy flavour, is a beloved fruit across the globe. From gracing tropical landscapes to starring in countless dishes and desserts, this versatile fruit has captured hearts and taste buds for centuries. But amidst its popularity, several myths and misconceptions swirl around the mango, potentially deterring people from enjoying its full potential. Let's embark on a myth-busting journey, delving deeper into the fascinating world of mangoes and setting the record straight.

Myth #1: Mangoes are fattening and make you gain weight.

Reality: This widely held belief often leads people to avoid mangoes, especially during weight management efforts. However, the truth is quite the opposite! Mangoes are relatively low in calories (around 60 calories per 100g) and packed with dietary fibre, which keeps you feeling full and aids digestion. Additionally, their natural sugars are fructose, providing readily available energy without the negative effects of processed sugars. While overindulging in any food can lead to weight gain, mangoes, in moderation, are a healthy and weight-conscious choice.

Myth #2: Mangoes raise blood sugar levels significantly, making them unsuitable for diabetics.

Reality: While mangoes do contain sugars, their glycemic index (GI) is moderate, ranging from 50-60 depending on the ripeness. This means they cause a slower and steadier rise in blood sugar compared to high-GI foods like white bread or sugary drinks. Moreover, mangoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which may even offer some benefits for managing diabetes. However, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial to determine whether mangoes are suitable for your individual dietary needs, especially if you have diabetes.

Myth #3: All mangoes taste the same.

Reality: The diverse mango family boasts over 2,000 varieties, each with distinct flavours, textures, and characteristics. From the sweet and juicy Alphonso to the tangy and fibrous Ataulfo, and the buttery and rich Kent, the spectrum of flavours is vast. Exploring different varieties allows you to discover new favourites and expand your mango horizons.

Myth #4: Ripe mangoes are always soft and easy to peel.

Reality: While some popular varieties like Tommy Atkins soften significantly when ripe, others like Kent retain a firmer texture even at peak ripeness. The key to identifying ripeness lies in gentle pressure near the stem. A slight give indicates readiness, while mushiness can signify overripeness. Different peeling techniques may be required for firmer mangoes, utilizing a knife or peeler instead of just your hands.

Myth #5: Mangoes are just a dessert fruit and offer no health benefits.

Reality: Beyond their deliciousness, mangoes pack a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, essential for boosting immunity and promoting collagen production. Additionally, they are rich in vitamin A, crucial for healthy vision and skin. Furthermore, their fibre content aids digestion and gut health, while antioxidants like mangiferin offer anti-inflammatory and protective benefits.

Myth #6: You should avoid using green mangoes in cooking.

Reality: Green mangoes, with their tart and tangy flavour, are a culinary treasure trove. They are commonly used in chutneys, pickles, salads, and curries, adding a depth of flavour and a unique textural element. They are also a good source of vitamin C and pectin, a natural thickening agent. So, don't shy away from incorporating green mangoes into your savoury dishes - their culinary potential is immense!

Myth #7: Only the flesh of the mango is edible.

Reality: Every part of the mango tree holds value. The skin, while not typically eaten raw due to its astringent taste, can be used in jams, chutneys, and even teas for its antioxidant properties. The pit, though hard, can be ground and used as a natural exfoliant or even a coffee substitute. Additionally, the leaves are sometimes utilised in traditional medicine for their potential health benefits.

Myth #8: Organic mangoes are always better than conventionally grown ones.

Reality: While organic farming practices focus on minimizing synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, conventionally grown mangoes can still be safe and nutritious. Choosing locally grown mangoes, regardless of their certification, often reduces their environmental footprint and supports local farmers. The most important factor is to thoroughly wash all mangoes before consumption to remove any surface contaminants.

Myth #9: You can't freeze mangoes and maintain their quality.

Reality: Freezing is a fantastic way to preserve mangoes and enjoy their taste throughout the year. Simply peel, slice, or dice the ripe mangoes, spread them on a baking sheet in a single layer, and freeze until solid. Transfer them to airtight containers or freezer bags for long-term storage. Frozen mangoes retain their nutrients and flavour well

Beyond the Myths: Embracing the Mangoverse

Dispelling these common myths opens the door to a deeper appreciation and exploration of the mango verse. Here are some exciting ways to incorporate mangoes into your life:

Culinary Adventures:

  • Sweet Sensations: Explore beyond desserts with mango salsa on grilled fish, chutney alongside savoury snacks, or a refreshing mango lassi drink.
  • Global Inspiration: Dive into cuisines featuring mangoes, like the tangy Thai green mango salad, the creamy Indian aam panna drink, or the Mexican mango con chile powder snack.
  • Fusion Fusions: Experiment with creative combinations like mango and avocado in a salad, mango and black bean salsa on tacos, or even mango and ginger in stir-fries.

Nutritional Powerhouse:

  • Boost Immunity: Whip up a smoothie with mango, spinach, and ginger for a vitamin C power punch.
  • Promote Gut Health: Incorporate ripe mangoes into yoghurt parfaits or granola bowls for added fibre and prebiotics.
  • Support Skin Health: Blend together mango, papaya, and orange juice for a vitamin A-rich smoothie to help maintain healthy skin.

Sustainable Practices:

  • Reduce Waste: Use the pits for composting or growing your own mango tree (with expert guidance).
  • Support Local Farmers: Choose locally grown mangoes whenever possible to minimize environmental impact and support your community.
  • Upcycle Leftovers: Use leftover mango peels in homemade cleaning solutions or DIY beauty products.

Cultural Connections:

  • Explore Mango Festivals: Immerse yourself in the vibrant celebrations of mangoes held worldwide, like the International Mango Festival in India or the Mango Mania Festival in Florida.
  • Learn Traditional Uses: Discover how different cultures utilize mangoes in medicine, rituals, and art forms.
  • Share Your Mango Story: Spread the love for mangoes by hosting a potluck featuring unique mango dishes or sharing your favourite mango recipes online.


  • Mangoes are a versatile and delicious fruit with immense potential beyond just being a dessert ingredient.
  • By choosing sustainable practices and supporting local farmers, you can enjoy mangoes while contributing to a healthy planet.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different varieties and cultural influences to expand your mango horizons.

This journey into the fascinating world of mangoes has hopefully challenged misconceptions and ignited your passion for this vibrant fruit. Remember, the mango verse is vast and waiting to be explored. So, grab a mango, unleash your creativity, and embark on your own delicious adventure!


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